Magcargo - 20/107 - Rare - Reverse Holo Tweet LP, English, 1 In stock CAD$ 13.49 Details Set: EX Deoxys Card Number: 20/107 Rarity: Rare Illustrator: Midori Harada Retreat Cost: 3 Weakness: Water HP: 80 Stage: Stage 1 Card Type: Fire Name: Magcargo Finish: Reverse Holo Attack #1: C Knock Over (10) You may discard any Stadium in play. Attack #2: CCR Combustion (50) Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company Ability: Smooth Over - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a card. Shuffle your deck, then put that card on top of your deck. This power can't be used if Magcargo is affected by a Special Condition. (Poke-POWER)